
Hospice vs. Palliative Care

Nurse with her hand on the arm of an ill patient in bed

Hospice Care

The goal is to alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life during terminal illness. When curative treatments are no longer working and/or a patient no longer desires to continue with them, hospice typically becomes the care of choice. You can learn more about hospice care and the benefits it offers by reading CaringInfo's explanation of hospice care.

Alternatively, if you have access to Medicare, you can reference Medicare's article explaining hospice care, in addition to their page outlining services covered for Medicare Part A.

For individuals covered by Medicaid, you can additionally reference Medicaid's page explaining hospice benefits.

Palliative Care

This care can be provided at any time during the course of an illness and in conjunction with curative, aggressive treatments and skilled nursing care. For further information on this topic, visit CaringInfo's article explaining palliative care. There, you can learn the services that palliative care provides in addition to information about which insurers will cover its benefits.

Additional Information

If you would like to learn more about hospice and palliative care in Arizona, please refer to:

For general information related to health services in Arizona, please refer to:


Elderly couple holding hands bedside, the wife staring at her husband's hands

Understanding whether hospice is right for you.

Part of hospice care is first determining whether or not it is the right option for the patient. Eligibility starts with a patient's attending physician or specialist who sends a referral order for the patient to hospice care. The hospice medical director determines if the patient has six months or less to live (if the illness runs its normal course) and approves the referral based on their evaluation of the patient's condition. Finally, the patient/caregiver signs a statement choosing hospice instead of other Medicare covered benefits that treat the illness.

To learn more about how we assess patients for hospice eligibility, you can read our eligibility page and optionally take our eligibility assessment.

Advocate Hospice Service Area

Maricopa County and Western Pinal


Under hospice care, what happens if a patient lives longer than 6 months?

If the patient continues to meet the hospice criteria, then the patient will continue to receive hospice services.

What happens if the patient's condition improves?

If the patient's condition improves to the point where hospice services are no longer needed, then the patient will be discharged from services.

What happens in an emergency?

Advocate Hospice has on-call nurses 24/7.

When is a decision made to come on hospice? And who should make it?

At any time during a life-limiting illness, it is appropriate to discuss all of the patient's care options. By law, the decision belongs to the patient. If they are unable, then it is up to the power of the attorney.

Does hospice do anything to make death come sooner?

Hospice neither hastens nor postpones dying.